No IG'able pictures again this week....just the reality of my kitchen (and laundry room which has become a makeshift pantry and fermentation room). I started my day of cooking/preparing last night actually, when I started the leaven for the breads (plain g/f and g/f olive & rosemary this week) and feeding the starters. And, I started a second ferment for the water kefir (grapefruit flavoured - the best, as it creates a really fizzy brew).

I also did a bit of freezer-diving last night to see what treasures I could find - falafel mix (for dinner tonight), veg stock & venison stock (for soup later in the week), some cubes of lemon juice (because we always seem to need lemon), boiled and pureed oranges for cake and z'houg (a spicy coriander dip/dressing) for the falafel.

This morning I made the breads, they sat on the windowsill to rise while I got on with other things....Chocolate Orange Cake and lunchbox cookies.
Then, I realised I had 5 liters or so of milk to use, so I made ricotta (which will become Baked Ricotta with Lemon & Thyme on Tuesday night), yogurt (that's the 2-L jar in the thick Styrofoam box....the best way to make yogurt - It keeps it's temp for 24 hours!), kefir milk and vanilla custard. I started dinner - Ottolenghi's Mixed Beans with Many Spices to go with the falafel; as well as rice to mix with mince and veg for the dogs and am currently working on finding the energy to make grain-free flatbreads for myself. Ok, I've had my break, now back to it......N x