People ask me what I eat, or they want to look inside my pantry and fridge.....well, here's my shopping for the week.
In the jars are nuts, seeds and dried fruit - pistachios, almond meal, almonds, shredded coconut, apricots, black seeds and dates. These are for lunches and to add extra nutrition to breads, muffins, yogurt bowls and such.
There's also dried legumes and grains - chickpeas and brown rice.
The veggies and fruit are to supplement what we don't have in our garden.
There's protein for the vegos - temphe, tofu and cheese (I have a stock of beef and chicken in the fridge for us non-vegetarians).
The tins are coconut milk and cream.
And, there's locally made soap!
A few things are packaged which I'm not thrilled with, but I try really hard to keep them minimal. I try to reuse packaging as best I can or recycle it if possible.
So, these will be the ingredients you will see me create yummy foods with this week, along with the fruit, veg and eggs we have here.
Right now I'm roasting the butternut pumpkin for tonight's Gut Health Talk at School of Strength Bega....it will become a gut-loving soup made with homemade chicken broth, fresh turmeric and coconut!

After I posted the pic of my weekly shopping I was asked what my meal plan was for the week.
Well, my breakfasts will be eggs in some form with leftover veggies, kimchi and kasundi, but one day this week we will probably have sweet crepes (eggs blended with almond meal and vanilla) topped with whatever we have around.....preserved pears, almond butter, raspberry sauce, cream.
I generally don't eat lunch, but if I'm hungry I'll have a small salad or leftovers.
For dinner I'll have pumpkin soup made with bone broth, sauteed chicken and roast veggies (2 nights), broccoli and chickpea patties with steamed veggies and tahini sauce, cauliflower 'steak' topped with sauteed greens and probably broccoli and cheddar soup (can you tell we have a lot of broccoli in the garden?).
I've also made seeded paleo bread, carrot cake muffins and flat bread (made with broccoli!) to get us through.
This is a pretty good representation of how I eat. These foods keep my blood sugar levels steady with very little insulin required...lots of veggies, a sufficient amount of protein, a good amount of healthy fats and fermented foods to keep my gut healthy.
N x